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Coping With The Loss Of A Pet

Grief is a healthy and normal response to loss. Attempting to suppress feelings of grief can actually prolong the grieving process. Grief can feel like being lost.

The familiar things we relied on to live each day are gone. We must find new anchors or stabilizers along the way and learn a new way of relating to the world and people around us. It is also common to replay the last moments of your pet’s life repeatedly in your mind, like a videotape that keeps playing the same scene over and over.

No one can hurry the process or provide a magic cure for grief.…

Feelings Of Guilt When Coping With Loss

Guilt and uncertainty are probably two of the most common emotions that people experience after the death of their pet. You may find yourself thinking continuously about what you perceive you could have, should have, or would have done to prevent or postpone your pet’s death.
Some suggestions for coping with guilt include:
1. Be truthful with yourself about why you feel guilty.
2. Write a letter to your pet expressing feelings you may be struggling with.
3. Do a reality check. Most people assume that if they had done something differently, the outcome would have been better. It’s just as likely, however, that if you had done things differently, the outcome would have been the same.…

Leash Training A Cat

It’s the magical time of year when all hopes of an early spring have been dashed by the polar vortex and constant snow so we have more time for the ultimate episode in our kitten’s life. Harness training footnote[note]Wikihow article[/note]so she can out on the deck in the summer. Why? She’s a leaper and really hates Squirrels.

When teaching your cat to go outside with a leash, it’s important for you to remember that the outdoors can initially seem overwhelming to a cat used to the indoors. Be sympathetic and patient if your cat at first seems alarmed or panicked.…

Hyperthyroidism And Fish


The world famous Ambrose Butterbutt who has thyroid issues.

Hyperthyroid disease in cats is at an epidemic level. My mother has lost 2 cats to it, she has another right now and I have one with it as well so this topic hits close to home.

Hyperthyroidism has been researched heavily and some conclusions have been reached. As it turns out, the safety of you and your family can cost you your cat. Here’s some of an article from the healthy pets website footnote[note][/note] footnote via The National Library of Medicine. footnote[note]National Library of Medicine[/note]

More research has recently come to light linking flame retardants to hyperthyroidism in cats.

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