Fireman Saves Cat
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One of my favorite series of books is the Atlantis series by Bob Mayer. In the series, the main character, Dane, has a golden retriever and they are a search and rescue team. Search and rescue dogs do work that is at the same time needed during disasters as well as upsetting when you consider they find the deceased as well as the living.
A rescue dog recently passed away after saving 7 people in the aftermath of an earthquake in Ecuador.
…Dayko the hero dog, who rescued seven people from under the rubble after a massive earthquake hit Equador, passed away from heatstroke this week.
As I go through the process of writing “Living With Them”, I am doing a lot of self-learning and educating myself about the relationship between companion pets and humans. The relationship can be complex, ranging from bonding with a single person to pets picking up behavior patterns from their humans.
Throughout my reading and learning, I am creating a reading library for you, the visitor to the site that you can also read. The list changes pretty often so you may want to bookmark the page.
There have been well thought of studies that investigate connections between our attachment to pets and the relationship we have with them.
One of the hardest decisions that we make in our lives is the euthanasia of our companions. The end of life decisions we make are not only emotionally difficult but also physically demanding.
Evidence suggests that there are psychological, physical and social benefits in human-pet relationships. We humans also have a tendency to see our pets as children which creates even more mental and emotional trauma as we plan euthanasia.
There are two varieties of euthanasia – in the veterinarian’s office an at home.…
With the price of gasoline falling, more Americans are taking road trips and are bringing their dogs with them. While we are on the road, we want to keep our four-legged family members safe.
Dogs should never ride on your lap or next to you in the passenger seat. If you were to stop short, your dog can act as a projectile and go through your car’s front window. If there is an accident and your dog isn’t restrained, he could panic, get out of the car, and get lost. Accidents are not for the faint of heart. So, follow these tips to keep you and your dog safe:
Zika virus was first identified in 1947 in Uganda’s Zika Forest. If you’re wondering, “Zika” means “overgrown” and the forest is home to The Uganda Virus Research Institute of Entebbe.
Signs of Zika virus infection include fever, joint pain and muscle aches, rashes, headaches and red eyes (conjunctivitis). Most people recover within a week without hospitalization and death is extremely rare.
Zika virus is spread through the bite of a mosquito; Aedes africanus, Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopticus have been identified as carriers, and other species may also transmit the disease.
The biggest concern with Zika virus is it appears to cause a serious and life-threatening birth defect known as microcephaly (small head).…